Requirements to meet GDC & CQC requirements
Purpose of this information
This information is being provided to keep all dental practices informed and up to date with their responsibilities in line with the General Dental Council (GDC) and Care Quality Commission (CQC) guidelines and regulations. This page also includes information on what Dentrain Professionals Ltd do to help support practices in meeting these requirements.
Care Quality Commission Regulation 18
Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: Regulation 18 The intention of this regulation is to make sure that providers deploy enough suitably qualified, competent and experienced staff to enable them to meet all other regulatory requirements described in this part of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. To meet the regulation, providers must provide sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, competent, skilled and experienced staff to meet the needs of the people using the service at all times and the other regulatory requirements set out in this part of the above regulations. Staff must receive the support, training, professional development, supervision and appraisals that are necessary for them to carry out their role and responsibilities. They should be supported to obtain further qualifications and provide evidence, where required, to the appropriate regulator to show that they meet the professional standards needed to continue to practise.
CQC cannot prosecute for a breach of this regulation or any of its parts, but we can take regulatory action. See the offence section for more detail.
CQC must refuse registration if providers cannot satisfy us that they can and will continue to comply with this regulation.
Guidance for employers
Persons employed by the service provider in the provision of a regulated activity must—
Receive such appropriate support, training, professional development, supervision and appraisal as is necessary to enable them to carry out the duties they are employed to perform,
- Providers must ensure that they have an induction programme that prepares staff for their role. It is expected that providers that employ healthcare assistants and social care support workers should follow the Care Certificate standards to make sure new staff are supported, skilled and assessed as competent to carry out their roles.
- Training, learning and development needs of individual staff members must be carried out at the start of employment and reviewed at appropriate intervals during the course of employment. Staff must be supported to undertake training, learning and development to enable them to fulfil the requirements of their role.
- Where appropriate, staff must be supervised until they can demonstrate required/acceptable levels of competence to carry out their role unsupervised.
- Staff should receive appropriate ongoing or periodic supervision in their role to make sure competence is maintained.
- Providers must ensure that all staff receive training in how to interact appropriately with people with a learning disability and autistic people, at a level appropriate to their role.
Staff should be supported to make sure they are can participate in: Statutory training.Other mandatory training, as defined by the provider for their role. Any additional training identified as necessary to carry out regulated activities as part of their job duties and, in particular, to maintain necessary skills to meet the needs of the people they care for and support. Other learning and development opportunities required to enable them to fulfil their role. This includes first aid training for people working in the adult social care sector.
- All learning and development and required training completed should be monitored and appropriate action taken quickly when training requirements are not being met.
- Staff should receive regular appraisal of their performance in their role from an appropriately skilled and experienced person and any training, learning and development needs should be identified, planned for and supported.
- Staff must receive appropriate supervision in their role to ensure they demonstrate and maintain competence in understanding the needs of people with a learning disability and autistic people, including knowing how to support them in the best way.
- Health, social and other care professionals must have access to clinical or professional supervision as required, in line with the requirements of the relevant professional regulator.
Be enabled where appropriate to obtain further qualifications appropriate to the work they perform, and
- Providers must support staff to obtain appropriate further qualifications that would enable them to continue to perform their role.
- Providers must not act in a way that prevents or limits staff from obtaining further qualifications that are appropriate to their role.
Please click here to view the Full Regulation 18: Staffing
Safeguarding children and young people should be integrated into existing practice systems and processes for delivering care.
Everyone who comes into contact with children and young adults at risk using health and care services have a responsibility to safeguard them from suffering any form of abuse or improper treatment while receiving care.
The competency framework set out in the intercollegiate guidance specifies six levels/competencies:
This sets out the minimum training requirements:
- Level 1: for all non-clinical staff (for example receptionists and practice managers)
- Level 2: for all dentists and dental care professionals
- Level 3: for paediatric dentists and paediatric orthodontists (those who could contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of a child or young person and parenting capacity where there is safeguarding/child protection concerns). This training is not normally required for dentists and dental care professionals working in general dental practice.
What Dentrain Professionals Ltd will do to help support practices meet aspects of Regulation 18
Dentrain Professionals Ltd carry out a robust induction for apprentices, ensuring that documentation is recorded to include the in house induction process has been carried out. At the start of the apprenticeship, the scheme of work / delivery plan is provided to employers and apprentices to inform of the introduction stages to include: professional knowledge and ethical practice, health and safety and infection control. These being the first 3 topic areas that are taught given these are fundamental topic areas for dental nurses to proceed further with their knowledge, skills and behaviours. The employer is provided with an opportunity to discuss the scheme of work / delivery plan and highlight any adaptations they may require in line with the training of practical skills in practice. This is then reviewed continuously throughout the duration of the apprenticeship.
Training, learning and development needs of individuals
An initial assessment is carried out with all apprentices at the start of the apprenticeship which will provide an individual learning plan to meet the apprentices and the practice needs. This will inlcude the setting of SMART targets as well as highlighting any specific additional learner needs and how these will be supported. The practice will be informed of any needs identified from the initial assessment and ongoing assessment throughout the duartion of the apprenticeship will be carried out to ensure support is effective.
Practice support to undertake training, learning and development to enable them to fulfil the requirements of their role
Learner Development Officers / Assessors will arrange face to face teaching and learning sessions at the start of each topic as set out in the scheme of work / delivery plan. For practices to meet the requirements of Regulation 18 it is their responsibilty to allow the time for teaching and learning sessions to take place so that training, learning and development can take place and enable the apprentice to fulfil the requirements of their role as an apprentice dental nurse. Upon notification of a CQC inspection, Dentrain professionals Ltd will be able to provide proof of attendence to sessions carried out to the CQC upon request and highlight the practices support also.
Supervision and recording of competence
Throughout the online portfolio, practical skills are signed off by General Dental Council registered members of the team and a record is kept with a log of all mentors that have been associated with the apprentices development. Mentors will have the responsibility of signing of the competencies of the apprentice, this is given they are in the most appropriate role to monitor practical skills progress. A copy of this can be provided upon request should the practice be notified of a CQC inspection.
How to interact appropriately with people with a learning disability and autistic people
Dentrain professionals Ltd carry out hot topic discussions during the progress reviews and one of the hot topics is learning disabilities and autism. All staff at Dentrain Professionals Ltd have carried out training at tier 1 and tier 2 level. The Learner Trainer will notify the employer at sign up of the expectation for all staff to carry out this continuously professional development and follow up to ask for evidence to store on the online portfolio to ensure CQC requirements are being met.
There is a free course available on the e-learning for healthcare website available for GDC registered staff please click here for the Oliver McGowan Mandatory course
First aid training
As part of the scheme of work / delivery plan principles and practice of supporting the management of medical emergencies within the dental setting is a topic delivered by Dentrain professionals Ltd. It is still a requirement for an apprentice to take part in the practices annual CPR training and evidence of this is required as part of the portfolio.
Learning and development and required training completed should be monitored and appropriate action taken quickly when training requirements are not being met.
Learner Development Officers / Assessors will carry out regular progress reviews with the employer although if any concerns arise in the meantime this will be highlighted to the practice manager / mentor. Dentrain Professionals Ltd have a close working team who monitor progress of each individual learner and prompt action taken where training requirements are not being met. This action includes regular communication with the employer.
Regular appraisal of apprentices performance in their role
As part of the apprenticeship regular progress reviews will take place with both the apprentice and the employer, it is a requirement for the employer to be present during these progress reviews to meet this regulation as well as meeting the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) rules. Failure to meet this requirement may result in the apprentice being removed from the apprenticeship due to rules and regulations not being met.
General Dental Council:
Employing Trainee Dental Nurses
How do you define a student/trainee dental nurse or dental technician? They are either:
- employed and enrolled or waiting to start on a recognised programme that will lead to GDC registration, or
- studying on a programme that leads directly to GDC registration.
Employing a trainee, what are your responsibilities?
Before appointing an individual to work as a trainee, you should:
- Ensure the individual is capable of enrolling on a course recognised for registration.
- Identify appropriate courses leading to registration.
- Allow and require the trainee to enrol on a recognised programme, and meet the obligations that are required of the course.
- Identify a supervising GDC registrant and ensure they carry out the necessary supervision in accordance with the Guidance for employers, supervising registrants and educational course providers.
- Facilitate and support the trainee to complete the programme.You must ensure that patients are fully informed of the names and roles of the dental professionals involved in their care. This can include the ue of a name badge or meet the poster as well as the Dental Nurse being introduced to patients as a Trainee Dental Nurse.
Do you need to let the GDC know if someone you employ is in training?
No, you are not required to let the GDC know as we do not register trainee dental nurses or dental technicians. However, GDC registrants who employ, manage and/or supervise students/trainees risk fitness to practise proceedings if they fail to comply with this guidance or with the Standards for the dental team.
What must an induction cover?
Before the trainee dental nurse or technician undertakes any duties in the practice or laboratory, they must receive a formal structured induction, which should include training regarding patient safety and confidentiality; infection control; the protection of vulnerable children and adults; and how to deal with medical emergencies.
What does this mean day-to-day?
- The trainee dental nurse or technician must not undertake exposure prone procedures until they have the appropriate vaccinations (if applicable) as required to practise. Please refer to the relevant health protection in your country for further information.
- A named supervising registrant must take full responsibility for providing direct supervision of the individual trainee. However, according to the ability and progress of the trainee, supervision may be delegated (if appropriate) to other GDC registrants. The named supervising registrant will continue to be accountable overall for the trainee.
- The employer must ensure that the individual trainee keeps a log book of training they receive (including information about the induction), which is regularly signed off by the designated supervisor.
Does the trainee have to have indemnity?
Trainee/student dental nurses or dental technicians don't have to have indemnity as they would not be registered with the GDC. However, the employer/supervising registrant must have indemnity as they are responsible for the student's work. We also advise that employer/supervising registrant check their policy to ensure they are covered to train or supervise staff that a training towards gaining a qualification.
What if they fail their exam?
The student/trainee dental nurse or dental technician must normally achieve their award or qualification and register with the GDC within the normal duration of the course, or up to one year thereafter. For example, if a training course is two years and the trainee fails to pass their necessary examinations, they have up to one year following the end of their course to take any necessary re-sits.
How long does a student/trainee dental nurse or technician be employed before they must enrol on a programme leading to GDC registration?
We say that a student/trainee dental nurse or technician must begin their programme within two years of commencing employment. You can find all of the above information by visiting the GDC website
Fitness to practice
It is of upmost importance that both employers and learners are aware of requirements for fitness please visit The GDC Fitness to practice page.
Key personnel
You will be provided with contact details of a dedicated Learner Development Officer (LDO) who will support your apprentice through their learning journey. Other key personel at Dentrain Professionals Ltd are detailed below:
Safeguarding Lead Complaints Officer
Zoe Gee
Safeguarding Officer
Careers Education Advice Guidance Officer
Qualification Lead
Michelle Porter
Office: 01204 528652
Dentrain Professionals Ltd, Bridge Place, Rear of 22 Bridge Street, Bolton BL1 2EA